
The Myth of Entrepreneur Support

The Myth of Entrepreneur Support

KrimsonAdmin // August 4 // 0 Comments

Entrepreneur Support

          We all get tired at some point. Willpower is a depreciating resource, even within a days time. Support is the only way to achieve your goals long term but you may be surprised where it comes from. There are some things that on the surface seem very unfair but, my mother always told me "...Life isn't fair..." aka "Deal with it". In the long term it actually serves as a benefit. Let me explain.

           In August of 2011 I found myself unemployed after being fired. I didn't think it was possible, in my mind I was the greatest worker ever. Honestly if that never happened I probably would've never even thought about being an entrepreneur. I used being fired with a nine month old son, new house, and a wife to support as support the fuel my entrepreneurship. So I scrapped up my last few funds and joined a multilevel marketing company that gave me hope of being "...the master of my fate, the captain of my soul...".

          I brought in to the company because I knew plenty of people who already used the products I was selling and buying them from big corporations or people they didn't know personally. I was selling:

  • Phone Service
  • Internet Service
  • Satellite TV
  • Security Systems
  • Energy
I thought it would be easy, this was not so! No "friend", family member, or fraternity brother (that could afford it) brought any one of my products. In fact, had a close family member buy direct from the supplier...AT A HIGHER PRICE$$$. I figured I can't be that bad of a person but, I did learn the lesson that Curtis '50 Cent' Jackson eventually verbalized to the Wall Street Journal
The People Around You Won't See You As Successful, Until The General Public Does
So after a few years I invested into a new upstart MLM company and got it near the ground floor. By this time I had the opportunity to be properly schooled in the fact that the only industry that exists is Sales & Marketing. I had the opportunity to work in sales and implement multiple techniques under Scott Cook at his school. I've grown and gained perspective on the things I went through in the past and realized that it was to my benefit. See my arrogance, not intentionally, had me believing that all I needed was the support from my friends and family. In actually, there are more "strangers" in the world than people I consider "close" to me. I still can't pay the bills with "I'm proud of/happy for you" but the support is there from those that matter. The journey continues and more people join as the days go on. Stay persistent and every now and then take time to reflect on what happened and what you learned from it. You will achieve, You will Shock, You Will Surprise, YOU WILL WIN. -Gibran
About the Author KrimsonAdmin

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