
Harrisburg alumni veterans share their drive to serve

Harrisburg alumni veterans share their drive to serve

Gibran Jones // November 8 // 0 Comments

Gibran Jones

Gibran Jones can’t pin down exactly why he decided to join the U.S. Army immediately after graduating from high school in 2000. But there’s a common theme that runs through his military, college and career experience — he enjoys working hard and achieving things.

And working hard was an expectation in the military. He was assigned to the 10th Cavalry Buffalo Soldiers, a historic unit that began as one of the all-Black units formed after the Civil War, and was deployed to Iraq in 2003-04.

“It gave me a good perspective on what hard work is,” he said.

At the age of 19, he found himself in charge of communications for 30 combat vehicles and 130 personnel. He had leaders who trusted him and expected him to do his job.

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